Monday, December 06, 2004

and now a word from our sponsors ....

enough of the steroid talk already .... If an individual wants to take the personal responsibility for his/her actions and take steriods to in some way increase their potential performance ... so be it. JUST DONT WHINE if after your career is over you suffer the unforeseen or adverse consequences of YOUR actions. For those who swear that it taints records i say if a person was using something that was not illegal during the time they were using it ... live and let live. Now if it was banned already and they continued to take it -- thats a different horse and should be dealt with by each individual sport or activity in their own manner -- more power to them ... To those who will say "but we have to do something or all our young people will be taking them i say "Hello can you say PARENTS??? COACHES??? hey if you are a parent and you kid is taking steriods and youd dont want him too, use your PARENTAL VETO and say "do sterionds or anythine else illegal--No sports" or no whatever it is they are really into .... its called GROUNDING ... worked for me and my siblings ... trust me it will work for your children too .... but it all comes back to taking RESPONSIBILITY .... Coaches can ban youth from playing if they are juicing as well and parents should be adult enough to accept the rules as rules. and that goes for everybody. but like i say ... enough talk about the steriod issue ....

lets get to more fun things .... like the unfairness of the BCS system where only in America can you be ranked 4th for 9 weeks and after the last game still be ranked 4th but not get to go to the Big Boys bowl games like CALIFORNIA or even worse go undefeated the entire season and still not make the championship game despite being in the conference that is universally acknowledged as the toughest in the country like AUBURN .... Please NCAA can anyone there inside of FOOTBALL spell P-L-A-Y-O-F-F T-O-U-R-N-E-Y-M-E-N-T? I know that NCAA Basketball and Baseball can and for you bowl purists it can all be done within the BOWL FORMAT ... goodness knows there are enough BOWL games between now and Jan 4th to put at least the top 16 teams in a winner take all single elimination BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP .. with the winner being a REAL champion and no one getting thrown a PENALTY FLAG.... come on NCAA get with the program and give all us football fans a REAL system ....

and while we are venting here about inaneness or is it insaneness??? lets take REALITY TV and put it where it really belongs .... SOMEWHERE ELSE .... because even though it says its reality TV ... lets face it its NOT ... not even close ... I personally have never watched a single minute of a single reality TV show .... my exposure is only due to the teasers and trailers but if what is on the trailer teaser is any indication of the REAL-NESS ... ive seen more reality in a fake mink stole then in any of these WAY TOO MANY reality shows. In deference to my sister who patiently tries to show me the reality and difference between different shows i will grant her that THE AMAZING RACE seems to be at least the closest to real life of any of them ... but even that is stretching it a bit too far in my view.

WOW!!! I feel SO MUCH BETTER now ....

Speaking of REALITY here are some real military units and outstanding citizens that deverve our unwavering and unlimited thanks for their service and dedication to the protection and service of all of us ....

US Air Force - 22nd Air Refueling Wing, McConnell AFB, Kansas

US Army - 18th Medical Command, Republic of Korea

US Navy - USS Ronald Reagan, CVN 76, San Diego, California

US Marines - 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Camp Pendleton, California

US Coast Guard - USCG Cutter Galveston Island, Guam

.... MANY THANKS for YOUR BEING BRAVE, DEDICATED, DEVOTED TO DUTY AND COUNTRY .... and may your families also be thanked for their sacrifices on behalf of the rest of us .... GOD BLESS!