Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Z Files - Thoughts of a common man

first some thoughts on the long overdue retirement party for Dan Rather .... and then again perhaps just the thought that this event is so long overdue is all that needs saying here.

As you will note in coming weeks i am center-right fiscally and center-center on most csocial issues. However you wil also find tha ti have very little patience for those among us who believe that their superiority is due to breeding, education, wealth or social standing. A co-worker of mine who is extremely liberal but describes himself as a thinking liberal is a classic example of this ... the day after the election his only comment to me (not knowing where i live) was tht the reason that middle america and especially the inland portions of California voted for W is that they are mostly ignorant because they do not have the vast variety of sources for informmation like they do in the major matropolitan areas of the country and of the state.... it is this ARROGANCE which makes me take time to blog what will become random thoughts of a common man. I hope you will enjoy ... agree or disagree if you will and i welcome disagreement but please remain civil.