Its sum ... sum .... summer time !!!!!!!!
and we all know what that means .... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ice cream, baseball, water balloon fights and SUMMER CAMP!!!!
and so for the second year in a row i shall be traveling this next week to the GREATEST JOB you DONT GET PAID FOR .... at the GREATEST SUMMER CAMP ....
thats right ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and rats and elephants .... truly the 9th wonder of the modern world ..... LMC....
A week at summer camp is more fun than any (and especially this) human should ever be allowed to have .... and NOT just because of the GREAT FOOD .... the atmosphere ... the clean air and trees .... and most importantly for one of my advancing and mature years .... the daily quiet time nap at 1:00 pm.
Its not all fun and games though i do have to talk every day (yea there's a horrible thing huh!!! Imagine having to talk for 5-7 minutes twice a day) ... oh the indescribible pain and anguish of it all.
I know that all of my faithful and loyal readers will shower me with letters of condolence and amazing gifts upon my return and so i thank you all in advance. MONEY is alsays an acceptable form of recoupment after one has had such an adventure as mine.
I have been packed and ready since April just so you know. As always all the gripping details will be made available right here on THE GEEK FILES just as soon as i return.
Oh Padawan Learner ... since you have started your summer festivities at LMC already (and might have missed these) here are a few headlines from around the world ... just for you!!!!
As noted on page 12 of the Sao Paulo Herald ....
É realmente uma coisa sad para relatar que a flor de Orlando está casada ainda muito feliz.
From the Inside fold on Page 2 Section B of Pravda ....
Реально будет унылой вещью для того чтобы сообщить что цветене orlando все еще очень счастливо поженено.
Found on page 17 of Kumhuryet ....
Είναι πραγματικά ένα λυπημένο πράγμα για να αναφέρει ότι η άνθιση του Ορλάντο είναι ακόμα πολύ ευτυχώς παντρεμένη.
and finally from the Amsterdam Daily News ...
Het werkelijk is een droevig ding om te rapporteren dat de Bloei van Orlando nog zeer gelukkig gehuwd is.
I hope you have enjoyed this short trip around the world discovering all the news they care to print.
well its been a fun little bit of silliness tonight .... at least it has been for me!
THE GEEK FILES is brought to you today by the letters M and Q and the number 11.
Good night everybody .... thanks for listening and caring ....
remember while only you can prevent forrest fires ...... only Listerine can prevent the gum disease gingivitis.
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