Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Patriot's Act ... or One Cukoo Flew Over the Rest

With all the discussion going on around me about Leaks and Leakers and the like i though perhaps some of my dedicated readership would like to know my thoughts on the subject especially considering that i used to have something to do with SCI Clearances and the like in a previous life ....

so without further blandishment here goes:

i well remember the day i was "let in" on a new classified project which required a special beiefing in addition to my clearance level. I can still remember the words of the Major giving me the briefing as he had me sign the authorization paperwork.

"Unauthorized disclosure of the information you are about to receive may result in the death of you or another person or persons. Do you understand this warning?"

Did i understand it? OH YEAH!!!!!

evan after all these years i still understand it. which brings me to the part of all this i DONT understand. People who leak things that in their mind they feel are wrong or illegal or just might be illegal are leaking to the WRONG people. Every time i hear one of these people called "patriots" or "heros" because they had the guts to spill their guts to a news reporter it makes me MAD. Dont get me wrong if its illegal someone should tell but there is a mechanism (especially in the government) for doing just that in a legal way .... its called the appropriate House or Senate
CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE .... what is so difficult about calling up the CHAIRMAN of the Intelligence Oversight Committee and telling him your concerns (mind you HE has clearance to hear it while your REPORTER contact does not) and the legal method for handling it will be intact.

ANY person having knowledge of classified information who leask it to an unauthorized individual may very well be causing death, extreme hardship, severe bodily harm or many other not so good consequences to totally innocent persons. IN MY BOOK YOU CAN NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER call such a person who would willingly violate their oath in such a manner a hero or patriot.

REAL HEROS and PATRIOTS can and lots of times do DISAGREE with how things are done, and with you and your opinions but they NEVER NEVER NEVER violate the trust and their sworn word of honor ...


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said, and "here, here!"


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