New Beginnings ...
with appologies to Bucks Fizz ..... especially since i enjoyed their music for many years.
It is however fitting since this past week has been replete with new things ..... old endings and new beginnings.
As most if not all of my regular readers know i do not have children of my own ... preferring to rent them by the hour. I have however, through 15 or so years as a volunteer in various organizations such as 4-H, Pathfinders, Orr's Martial Arts and various other youth activities, collected quite a few adoptee children for whom i feel just as proud of if they were indeed my own.
This past week saw endings and new beginnings for four of them through graduations from 8th Grade and High School (and next week my nephew Philip also graduates from 8th grade).
It is with much pride that i point out to my readers the accomplishments of these wonderful young men and women and say very publically that am very proud of their accomplishments, their excellent characters and their potential for continuing to accomplish GREAT THINGS. They have wonderful families, parents, grandparents, friends and others who have done a truly outstanding job of guiding and framing their lives to this point and they each have committed much time to the pursuit of excellence not only in school activities but community service and life skills as well.
Henry Barnes Tigri .... (Hankster)
you have always been a source of wonderment and laughter. You truly are one of a kind. Together we have shared many a carton of Phish Food, Crunch Berries and movies. Congratulations again on your success as Valedictorian of your class. May your future always be as happy and bright as you are.
Amy Theresa Tigri .... (Aim)
i have watched you grow from a cute little girl into a wonderful young lady. Despite what others might think you truly are kind and caring ... Never give up on your dreams; continue to think positively and you will conquer the world.
PS .... im really sorry that your dog likes me better but Sherman said to tell you that he is really happy to be yours and ever so grateful to be alive.
Christopher Charles Ruller ... (Grand Nagus)
You have come a long way since we first met. It has been my priveledge to watch you grow into a wonderful young gentleman (yes even tough football heros can be gentlemen) and you have succeeded at both -- tremendously well. Never forget that success is mostly a measure of the hard work you put into it and you will win at the most important game of all ... life.
Felicia Lubecki ... (Padawan Learner)
Sorry but i can never remember all your middle names so i left them off. You have a great gift my young jedi friend ... Continue to seek out the best of everything in life and never lose sight of that gift and you will reap GREAT rewards that will last throughout your lifetime. See you along with the cubbies ..... I'll bring the Jambas.
Philip Wesley Horger ... (Pilip Davidovich)
You are an extremely talented young man with unlimited potential to make your world a better place to be. Learn from your Uncle's experience ... life takes discipline, hard work and a constant drive to succeed. As long as you keep God first in all things you can never go wrong.
This week has also marked the end of another year of Pathfinders and Adventurers and to all the staff, parents, young people, volunteers and church family as members of the Shingle Springs Soul Miners i say again thank you for the wonderful year ... each of you have taught me so much over the past four years. I could not ask for a better group to work for and with then YOU!!!
On a more personal note ...
this week also marked an end and new beginning for me as well as my faithful automotive form of transportation since 1997 finally expired after nearly 180,000 miles of use. The "larry-mobile" will be missed by many especially those for whom it meant a smile at the sight of the "I love my permanent make-up" bumper sticker (sorry Tamara ... the free advertizing has come to an end) and the perpetual unwashed state that provided many a budding artist with a pallette from which to create.
The new vehicular modus transportii is off to a great start however there is one small element missing ... a name. Since i so far have drawn a blank (except for calling him Guido after Father Sarducci) and because so many of my faithful readers have in person complained about calling him/her that i will open this new beginning with a naming contest.
and so here is a picture to get you started .... just picture a white exterior with black accents (and light beige-tan interior) instead of the silver shown here ....
as is fitting on this Memorial Day .... please join me in prayerful and solemn rememberance of those fallen in the Service of Our Country ... both those of my personal friends and compatriots ... Mark S. Makowski, Steven F. Parker, 2Lt Dewayne F Danielson; those of whom i know only through their exploits and their honored place in our nation's history; and those thousands upon hundreds of thousands whom are known only to their families and friends. May GOD in HIS MERCY grant each of us PEACE that passes all understanding ... LOVE that truly knows no boundaries ... GRACE to comfort every hurt ... and LIFE lived to the fullest in service to others as those of our fallen brothers and sisters have given ...
i remain .... "The Geek"