Mark this date and time on your calendars ..... it may never happen again
Yes my friends today, May 12th, in the year 2006 AD .... at approximately 1415 hours local Pacific Daylight Time, there occurred an event of not only momentous importance in the space-time continuum but also one of its absolute rarest events too (considering that until that specific moment it had NEVER EVER BEFORE HAPPENED in the entire HISTORY of THE WORLD Part 1 (and Parts 2-present inclusive).
To quote Sean Connery among many others ... "Never Say Never ..." for even the most wildly unimagined things do sometimes defy all laws of logic, physical science, faith and reality all at the same time.
By now of course many of you are screaming at your computer screens ... "Enough with the build-up get to the point;" and so i shall ....
Today for the first time ever the Sacramento Bee and I AGREE editorially ....
WHEW ... i thought we lost you there .... now that you have overcome your shock and are re-reading this having been administered smelling salts by whoever found you comatose and unresponsive, i state again yes it is TRUE .... i agree 100% with the Sacramento Bee in its editorial content and outlook regarding the position of LT GOVERNOR .... to wit i quote in part ...
"... California should abolish the office of lieutenant governor. As former Gov. Pete Wilson once said, the lieutenant governor's main job is "to get up every morning and inquire about the health of the governor." It is a pathetic misuse of taxpayers' dollars."
To read the editorial in its entirety click here .... (free registration required to view).
This weekend is the annual Post Office Food Drive ... as someone who through the PATHFINDER youth mentoring program organizes a food drive every year, i STRONGLY URGE everyone who reads THE GEEK FILES to sort through your cupboards and pantries and give as large and meaningful donation of non perishable foodstuffs as you can to this worthy cause ... just follow the directions of the program noted below and GIVE A LITTLE ... to SAVE A LOT.
The drive, which collected 71.3 million pounds of food last year, is being held in 10,000 cities and towns in all states. The carriers are asking people to leave donations of items such as canned meat and soup, cereal, rice and pasta, in a bag near their mailbox prior to their mail delivery this Saturday, May 13th, 2006.
and as always thank you for your support ...
GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU, MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES (active, ex, retired, Guard and Reserve) and THEIR FAMILIES and may HE continue to BLESS AMERICA ....