Sunday, February 19, 2006

Silly Rabbit ....

"Whut we have heah ... is Failure to communicate."

The Preacher once noted that everything in life is not just a vanity but moreso even a "vanity of vanities" and that all the labors of man fruitless in the eternal scheme of time.

Still it is, even to our day, a thing not taken much lightly to be stoic in our own worth and the rightness of our thinking our values our goals. Everyone has their personal set of values, beliefs, standards etc. and in our search for favor and companionship we naturally gravitate to others among us with like goals, standards and values and this is right in that we can gain both approval and support for them and also this keeps us from needless argument and belligerence with those who do not share them.

my point and i do have one, is not so much to say that MY thoughts, values, beliefs and goals are better than anyone else's al though i do truly believe that the indeed are but rather to show by using myself as the test subject that sometimes we focus on all the wrong things or at least not always the important things happening around us.

I am reminded of the lines of the fictional president Andrew Sheperd in the movie
The American President who in his fiery last minute press conference speech intoned the following "We have serious problems and serious issues that need serious answers. This is a time for serious people..."

We DO INDEED have serious problems requiring serious answers ...

We have an insatiable thirst for foreign oil fed not just by our usage but also by our absolute inability to either get more and find more at home or come up with alternatives such as nuclear power ,increased hydroelectric power and cleaner more efficient use of coal and a million other ways that no one cares about. Not because the answers aren't out there but because EVERYONE is INSISTING that THEIR WAY is the ONLY WAY and its NEVER gonna change.

We have a retirement plan that is out of money, spending more and needing TONS more while the amount of people paying into the system is about to make a sharp u turn in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION but we can't fix it because to do so will require a radical rethinking of how and who and why and when and the ENTRENCHED POWERS refuse to see what we the people do ... a system that can be so much better

We have an educational system that is not only an economic DRAIN but FAILING MISERABLY in every aspect except for the amount of money being continually thrown at the problem in hopes that t will magically fix all the broken parts. MONEY IS NOT THE ANSWER .... never has been never will be not for education not for anything. SERIOUS ANSWERS that involve parental choice, that reward excellence instead of mediocracy, accountability by students parents teachers administrators and EVERY ONE of us are out there ... all we have to do is let the clean fresh air of ideas and vision go to work instead of hanging on to the FAILED POLICIES of the past and you will be AMAZED at the RESULTS we will achieve. I say YOU will be amazed ... personally i will NOT BE amazed because our country throughout its entire history has not only been on the cutting edge of EVERY GREAT DISCOVERY we have led the world there.

I was a child of the 60s and 70s born in 1961 and i was the greatest cheerleader of AMERICA i knew. During my childhood we not only could do we DID the IMPOSSIBLE ... moon rockets, wiping out diseases, feeding the world while using less land, reaching out attaining impossible heights in medicine, agriculture, freedom from want and striving for equality of opportunity for all. AMERICA then was, as my hero
Ronald Wilson Reagan so aptly put it, "a shining city on the hill", we could and DID great and marvelous things and because we are AMERICANS we can continue to do GREAT and MARVELOUS things together if we will but free ourselves from our small-mindedness and entrenched ways so that TRUE FREEDOM of expression and enterprise and intellect can SHINE FORTH across the waves beckoning all to come, come to where the freedom is ....

and in mentioning that we must also realize that we have a serious problem with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION .... not IMMIGRATION BUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. No nation can long survive if it does not smoothly run under the rule of law. Without the rule of law not only is OUR NATION doomed for the trash-heap of history but the the entire world will soon follow.

The absence of LAWS is not FREEDOM it is anarchy. The PRESENCE OF LAWS and the FAIR, CONSISTENT AND CONSTANT UPHOLDING AND ENFORCEMENT of THOSE LAWS equate to freedom ... freedom from fear of illegal searches and seizures, freedom from worry about being accosted in your own home by those who would flout the laws, freedom from fear that the next step you take out of your HOMES will be the last you breath because of the illegal weapons the gang down the street are about to use on their unsuspecting neighbors.


lets face facts ... none of those issues really ranks up there with the BIGGIES of
LIFE, LIBERTY, THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS or even those of forming a more perfect Union, establishing Justice, insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defence, promoting the general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity as so eloquently outlined in the GREATEST DOCUMENTS written by mere mortal men.

Reasonable men can and always will reasonably disagree but reasonable men also know that without decisive action NOTHING will ever happen for the GOOD. Edmund Burke's assertion that "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" is if possible even more true today than it ever has been.

The call of the old typing test line resonates out to the ends of the earth "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." Who among us will heed and answer the call to SERIOUSLY SOLVE-- not just to finger point ... TO SERIOUSLY ANSWER -- not just in calling names ... to BOLDLY GO -- RESOLUTE IN THE STRENGTH OF COMMITMENT and CHARACTER ...

who will answer in the words of the GOOD BOOK ... HERE AM I, SEND ME.

Monday, February 13, 2006

the trouble with technology is ...

we become so attatched to it that when it fails us we have no where else to go .. and so for the past few weeks i have had the unfortunate problem of a dead computer and so while many of you might or might not have noticed there has been no recent "Geek Files" to wrap around your brain (or your leftover fish if you print it out). It also has not helped that the writer/editor/owner of the very self-same "Geek Files" has also be extremely busy at the paying job ... you know ... the one that makes everything else possible.

As a writer, this has been frustrating and would probably been completely unbearable except for the fact that the real paying job is as a writer as well -- granted technical writing and creative personal experience writing are at opposing sides of the spectrum but as any writer will tell you ... any writing you get is better than not being able to get any at all.

Of course so many things have gone on in the weeks since i was able to put thoughts down on the blog ...

Another super bowl has come and gone .... and despite leading their opponents in all the categories you would expect from a winning team the Seattle Seahawks will have to try again next year having become this year what is know in any business as "THE EXCEPTION" that makes the rule. They will be remembered in passing years as the FIRST TEAM not to win when they controlled time of possession, turnovers and total offense. People who know "The Geek" know im not a consipracy theorist but i have to say that when not a single picture of any seattle player or coach was shown holding the Lombardi Trophy during the entire first half, you have to wonder just a tad. And just for the record while it was nice of Hines Ward to say that he had a few TDs taken away from him on similar calls like the one that robbed the seahawks ... c'mon Hines be real man 99.98% of the time thats a call that goes against the defensive player especially when both are pushing off each other. As for the replay on the Big Ben TD .... not even Harry Houdini was that good.

As a sports nut, i like any and all sports -- even ones that dont get a lot of play here in the good ole US of A. A lot of that has to do with being in a lot of foreign countries during my ten year stint in the USAF. Cricket, ruggers, footy, darts, auto racing (all of it not JUST NASCAR), aussie rules, i love them all; and none more so than the summer and winter olympic games. So you will have to excuse me for the next couple weeks as i indulge in my every two year festival of athleticism .... Michelle Kwan showed why everyone, even her fiercest competitors, respect and admire her -- they dont seem to make class athletes that way any more much to our eternal shame.

to end this re-vival blog edition lets tie up a few loose ends shall we?

first .... a very belated happy birthday to the OLDEST ... hey welcome to the fifties soon huh bro? ....

then ... GO GLAM!!!!!! did you forget my invitation????

also ... a BIG LEVEL ONE TEAL CONGRATULATIONS to His Majesty Juan Carlos I, King of Spain on a much deserved and timely position of responsibility.

and ... another BIG SHOUT OUT to The ONE, The ONLY ... CUZ .... glad the job is going great!!!!

finally ... a most heartfelt and truly humble THANK YOU, as always, to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who despite long hours, thankless weeks filled with anxeity, rotten duty stations and intermably long absences away from families and loved ones in lands all across the globe continue to SERVE PROUDLY and HONORABLY to defend us all.