Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Free Exchange of Ideas Alive and Well ...

Call me crazy but ...

even though i have disagreements with many regarding the tactics and strategies revolving around the Terri Schaivo case one thing i see as a positive in all this is that especially among conservatives is that we are still willing to engage in the free exchange of ideas ... (see LaShawn Barber's site for a great example) even when we disagree with each other for the most part it has been civil and informative and even educational...

for me i am reminded of the old Supertramp song which in part says:

"Now I believe in what you say
Is the undisputed truth
But I have to have things my own way
To keep me in my youth"

"Now some they do and some they don't
And some you just can't tell
And some they will and some they won't
With some it's just as well"

So long as we can maintain civility of words and actions in the free exchange of ideas (agree or disagree with them as we may) our Republic will continue to, as Ronald Reagan so aptly described it, stand as "a shining city on a hill" continually beckoning and drawing all of humanity to share in its light, its warmth, and its sanctuary.

No matter our disparate belief systems so long as we the people remember that it is all of us who are "we, the people" and continue to respect one and all we will not only survive but thrive.


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