Wednesday, January 12, 2005

RatherGate III - The Aftermath

It pains me to start this blog by saying that i EMPHATICALLY MUST strenuously disagree with my esteemed colleague and fellow blogger Hugh Hewitt .... but i must be true to a higher cause and calling even than agreement with one of the LEARNED ONES.

To call what the Independent investigators of what i call RatherGate III put out in their final report a WHITEWASH is an injustice of the most egregious sort.

As any good student of literature will tell you a Whitewash is a rather inept rendering of a paint job put on by the likes of Tom Sawyer ...

This report on the other hand is a brilliantly executed forgery of a prized Picasso or Faberge by comparison.

First the report would have us believe that while the CBS Gold Standard is "Fairness and accuracy" and further that while this was "not the case in this instance" there was no bias or evidence that inaccuracy was planned .... HOW DARE THEY!!!!

In the Webster's New World Dictionary of American English (Third College Edition - Deluxe Color Edition) under the word fair is found the following meaning ... # 6 "just and honest; impartial" and immediately followed in the antonym section are seen the following opposites "prejudiced and biased" ...

Also in the same dictionary under the word accurate (accuracy) is found the following meaning ... "Precise, free from mistakes and errors" ... with accuracy specifically being a "quality or state of being exact or accurate"...

How then do the perpetrators of this report justify that while there was an absence of fairness and accuracy (for this read a "presence of prejudice and bias") as well as a state of being or quality of inaccuracy (read error-filled and full of mistakes) .. that they could find no proof of bias??????

In the famous words of Gary Coleman ... "WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT WILLIS? ...

The only and i do mean only reason for hope i have that this will be stalked until dead is that i believe most Americans will read it and split a gut with laughter at the very thought that the MSM actually think we the people will buy this insipid garbage disguised as "truth in reporting".

A Whitewash Hugh? no .... what they hope is to sell us a wrecked junk-yard residing AMC Pacer by advertising it as a mint-condition brand new BMW 320i and hoping against hope we won't notice the difference when we see it or drive it.

and i know ... Why RatherGate III you ask??? .. why yes ... Rathergate I was the now infamously discredited "THE WALL WITHIN" (which of course both he and CBS still stand by as true, accurate and historical but which has been shown many times to be precisely the OPPOSITE ... false, mistake-filled and hysterical) and RatherGate II his illustrious walk-off empty mike event (and the famous G. H. W. Bush tete-a-tete follow up).

and now on to more pleasing tasks .... a thanks to some special people in our military ...

US Air Force - 95th Air Base Wing, Edwards AFB, California

US Army - 155th Brigade Combat Team, Camp Shelby, Mississippi

US Coast Guard - USCG Cutter Alex Haley, Kodiak, Alaska

US Marine Corps - Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines, MCB Lejeune, North Carolina

US Navy - Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40, Okinawa, Japan


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